Pia Babnik, učenka 9. b razreda je po velikem uspehu in zmagi aprila na mednarodnem prvenstvu Škotske zoped zablestela na Škotskem. Na evropskem prvenstvu USKids za mladince je v najstarejši kategoriji prepričljivo ugnala vso konkurenco in osvojila svoj 6. zaporedni naslov evropske prvakinje.
Njen uspeh so letos dopolnili tudi ostali naši tekmovalci in tekmovalke. Žiga Babnik, učenec 8. b razreda je osvojil pokal za 5. mesto v kategoriji do 13 let in za 1 mesto premagal brata Jakata, prav tako učenca 8. b razreda.
Po koncu tekmovanja je bila organizirana ekipna tekma med Zahodno Evropo in ostalim svetom. Za ekipo Internationals so nastopili Pia Babnik, Jaka Babnik in Barbara Car in pomagali pri zmagi s 7:3.
Pia in Jaka sta dobila zlati Morissonovi medalji za najboljši rezultat dneva.
Vsem trem iskrene čestitke!
Članek v East lothian junior golf:
Six East Lothian courses hosted the 650+ Competitors from over 50 Countries who took part. There were 18 ELJGL Players competing, and there were notable performances from some of them. Fraser Walters was 2nd in the Boys 8, Aidan Lawson 3rd in the Boys 9. In the B11 Cameron Mukherjee was T11 and Alexander Yuill was T20. Andrew Hendry was T8 and Callum Kenneally 10th in the Boys 14. Oliver Mukherjee was T15 in the Boys 15. The US Kids President Dan Van Horn, later presented the League with a cheque which will mostly be used to offset Players’ costs for our Juniors on their trips to Pinehurst. All the results can be seen here. The Secretary, assisted by Carys Irvine, acted as a Referee at the Glen on Wednesday at The Glen. Check the scores in the Girls 15-18! Pia Babnik, of Slovenia, winner many previous times in her age group in US Kids events, won the Girls 15-18 section by 18 strokes at Musselburgh! Pia won the the Ladies Scottish Open Strokeplay recently and is now playing off a handicap of plus 5 or 6.